Fourth Sunday of Advent, Year A
Leif Kehrwald Literary Style This Gospel story may seem straightforward, like front page news. After all, it begins with “This is how the birth of Jesus Christ came about.” Yet, if we read it like pure front page news, it is altogether uninteresting, especially in our day and age when the story of an unwed, pregnant teenager doesn’t make waves at all. Hardly even registers in one’s Facebook feed. Sadly.
Second Sunday of Advent - Year A
by Leif Kehrwald John the Baptist Did you just hear what I heard? What you make of this character? You’ve got to concede that John the Baptist was a weird dude! Living off the grid, wearing strange clothes, on an “out there” diet – be honest with yourself – would you be attracted to anything he had to say? by Leif Kehrwald
Apocalyptic Literature Raise your hand if you know how to read the newspaper. . . It’s not a trick question. Of course you do.
When we read the Bible, or hear the Word of God proclaimed, if we know the type of literature we’re hearing, it’s easier to find the truth proclaimed. by Leif Kehrwald
(Versión española Sigue) When I was in 8th Grade at Holy Name Catholic School in Sheridan WY I fell madly in love with Felecia Rotellini, the most beautiful girl in the world, uh, well at in least our class! Problem was, I had no idea if she even knew I existed. (Versión española Sigue)
by Leif Kehrwald Our three readings today have a compelling message for us at St. Charles. Let’s begin with the Old Testament reading. God’s Chosen People of the Old Testament are . . . the Israelites, right! And God is their leader. But the Israelites see that other nations have kings. So they petition God for a King. “What, am I not your king?” But God relents, and Saul becomes the first King, in a long line of kings, including David and the res by Leif Kehrwald
Our journey together begins. What single word would you choose to name the theme of today’s Gospel passage where we hear the parable of the wedding guest? For me, the word is humility — “a modest view of one’s own importance, the state of being humble” (Webster). What single word would you choose that directly contradicts humility? Arrogance, pride, pretentious? For me, the word is control. Zechariah 12:10-11, 13:1; Galatians 3:26-29; Luke 9:18-24 - 12th Sunday in Ordinary time Cycle C - June 19, 2016
“Jesus asks the disciples, ‘Who do you say that I am?’ Peter replied, ‘The Christ of God.’ Jesus rebuked them, telling them not to tell anyone”. I always wondered why Jesus rebuked the disciples after giving such a good answer to his question. In one of my readings for this day the author said it might have been because the disciples, and certainly the people, had the idea that the Messiah would be a warrior king, able to liberate them from Roman control. Jesus did not want this spread about since he was not, nor would he be, a warrior king. He was much more than that. This same question is posed to us today. “Who do YOU say that I am?’ What would be our answer? |
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