Ash Wednesday
February 26, 2020 Leif Kehwald Available only by text The first word I learned how to write was my name: four simple block letters L E I F. My mom taught me when I was home sick from Kindergarten one day. But the first complex word I learned to spell was TRANSFORMATION. Again, my mom, awhile later, taught me how to sound it out: TRANS FOR MA TION. I had no idea what it meant, but I was pretty proud of my spelling prowess.
Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time
February 23, 2020 Fr Elwin Schwab Available only by audio
Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time
February 16, 2020 Sr Phyllis Jaszkowiak Today’s readings call us to Wisdom. Wisdom is more than tweets or sound bites, more than information or data, more than just understanding or knowledge. Wisdom is that knowing, of seeing beneath the obvious. Wisdom is being able to see paradox and being able to hold both ends of the paradox in creative tension.
Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time
February 9, 2020 Fr Elwin Schwab Available by audio only
Presentation of the Lord
February 2, 2020 Leif Kehrwald Welcome pilgrims to Jerusalem, and to the Jewish Temple. I know Simeon and Anna well. The three of us spend our days—and nights—in the Temple. We are old, so we pray a lot. But we also chit chat, and, I’ll admit, gossip a bit about all those who come and go in the Temple. It’s a very busy place. It’s the world-wide hub of all Jewish religious activity. A lot of very important Jewish leaders can be seen here, along with ordinary peasants, seeking to please God with a simple offering or sacrifice. |
October 2023
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