The Season of Creation is . . .. . . an annual celebration from September 1 (World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation) to October 4 (Feast of St. Francis) devoted to prayer and action for the protection of our common home.
Pope Francis established the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation in 2015, kicking off this ecumenical season focused on environmental stewardship. During the 2023 Season of Creation, under the theme of "Let Justice and Peace Flow," Pope Francis calls on the faithful to reflect on our vocation as custodians of creation, repent for sins against the environment, and commit to sustainable lifestyles. He reminds us that we are intricately connected to the natural world, and that climate change disproportionately harms the poor and vulnerable. This is a joyful season for all Christians to renew their relationship with nature and join in pursuing ecological justice through prayer, community action and advocacy. |
We invite you to . . .1. Learn more about the season by viewing this six minute video.
2. Pray this prayer of intercession:
In the words of Pope Francis, we pray: That we protect life and beauty, That we rescue the abandoned and forgotten of this earth That we protect the world and not prey on it, That we may sow beauty, not pollution and destruction, That we recognize that we are profoundly united with every creature as we journey toward God's infinite light. We pray . . . Loving God, hear our prayer. 3. Act. Check out the Season of Creation Action Calendar. One simple task for each day of the Season, from Sept 1 to Oct 4.
4. Share your thoughts and ideas in this dialogue box.