Sr Phyllis Jaszkowiak
November 23, 2017 “If the only prayer you said in your whole life was, ‘Thank You’, that would suffice.” That is a quote from Meister Eckhart. A mystic of the 13th century. Today we take time to give thanks, to God for all we have been given which is everything, and to everyone, all the people, through whom all God’s blessings have come to us. It is always good to give thanks, for giving thanks makes us healthier, makes the giver proud of what they have given, and puts a bit more happiness into the world.
Leif Kehrwald
November 12, 2017 Those who heard Jesus tell this parable, and those to whom Matthew wrote his gospel, would have known that a Jewish wedding feast would often start with the groom going to get the bride. He would find her at her house, and he would then eventually take her to his house. This would often take place at night. There would be a need for light, especially if it was a moonless night. There was a tradition of having bridesmaids who were bearers of light so that the groom would be able to find his bride. But of course our Gospel account today is not really about a Jewish wedding feast. It’s a parable; a story that reveals wisdom. It’s not really about the ten bridesmaids, but rather it’s all about the light that reveals the path to Jesus. |
October 2023
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