Easter Vigil
April 20, 2019 Leif Kehrwald Listen here. I grew up in an era of “greatest hits” albums. All my favorite music groups as a teenager—Elton John, The Eagles, America, Beach Boys, Neil Diamond, to name a few—put out a “greatest hits” album that was simply a must-have record. I loved them because I could listen to one favorite song after another. Holy Thursday
April 18, 2019 Sr Phyllis Jaszkowiak Listen here. Jesus gives us a model to follow. Don’t be afraid to be humble in doing the work the lowest paid people do, those we take for granted. We should be willing to serve others, to clean up the mess others make, to take the last place, to wash people’s feet and sometimes bathe them when they cannot bathe themselves, or even maybe to get paid the least or not at all. And through it all learn what God wishes us to do to make things better and more just for people, especially the least Palm Sunday of the Lord's Passion
April 14, 2019 Father El Schwab Listen here (click) Available only by audio Evening Prayer
April 10, 2019 Heather Pashley Listen here (click) When I read the passage for this evening, I didn’t remember who Samuel was, and I was really curious what it was that God asked of him. I read the whole chapter and discovered that Samuel’s mother was barren, but prayed to God for a son. When her prayer was answered, his mother offered him to God by leaving him at the temple to study with the priest, Eli. God spoke to him, he became a prophet and eventually anointed David as the king. During these prayer nights we have focused on Stopping, Looking, and Listening, and God’s calling seems like the next logical step. Having never done a reflection like this before, I thought I was supposed to just focus on verses 1- 10. I tried to focus on how God called out to Samuel three times before he was able to recognize the sound of the Lords voice. I thought about how the story mentions that God didn’t seem to be speaking to anyone recently, and that Samuel didn’t even know the WORD of God yet. Evening Prayer
April 3, 2019 Linda Kunrath Available only in text Good evening everyone. It is a pleasure to share this Lenten prayer service with you, for I believe we help one another encounter God by sharing personal experiences. As a young girl I remember staring out my bedroom window and imagining Jesus coming to me on a cloud. I longed for a face to face encounter with Jesus. I wanted to feel the confidence of his love for me just like the woman at the well. How do we encounter God? The scripture reading from 1 Kings directs our attention to finding God in a quiet whisper. There is so much noise in our lives, a whisper from God could easily be missed, or a person could mistake it for a passing thought. I hunger to hear God’s voice in very clear ways. I want to be absolutely certain the Lord is speaking to me and I want his words to affirm my desires, but like Elijah experienced, the Lord works in subtle and unexpected ways. |
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