Welcome!We want to welcome you to the 2023-24 Sacramental Prep Program at St. Charles Parish. We are very excited for you and your child/children to be a part of the program as your child/children prepare for their First Reconciliation and First Eucharist.
The program will begin October 1. Download and complete the registration form (click below) and you will be informed of all the program details. A copy of your child’s Baptismal Certificate is required. Also it is required for both parent and child to attend church services regularly. Church services are vital so not only children but also parents are familiar with mass and all the steps of mass. We will learn what all of the rituals and symbolism mean. This is a time for you to journey with your child/children as they prepare for these sacraments. We look forward to meeting each family. Questions? Contact Linda Kunrath, Sacramental Preparation Coordinator, [email protected] or contact Leif Kehrwald, Parish Pastoral Coordinator, [email protected] or 503-351-9889. PlaylistsA playlist is a collection of spiritual activities that enhance the weekly lesson and nurture your family’s faith formation. Participating in scripture readings, videos, prayers, and saint stories are wonderful ways to understand the Catholic faith, grow closer to God, connect as a family, and form “habits of faith.”
DetailsWinter/Spring Class Dates for First Communion:
January 21 – Welcome and overview with parents and students January 28 – Parent and student class – Lesson 1. February 4 –Parent and student class – Lesson 2. February 11 – Parent and student class – Lesson 3. February 18 – No class. February 25 – Tour of the Church with Fr. Tony March 3 – Parent and student class – Lesson 4. March 10 – Parent and student class – Lesson 5. March 17 – Parent and student class. Rosary Workshop March 24 and 31 – No class April 7 - Parent and student class - Lesson 6. April 14 - Parent and student class - Lesson 7. April 21 - Parent and student class - Pray the Rosary in the chapel. April 28 - Student class - Banners - Parent meeting in conference room. May 4 - Parent and student - Saturday practice in the church with Fr. Tony - 2:30-3:30 P.M. May 5 - First Communion Celebration during Mass 9:15-11:15 NOTE: regular attendance and punctuality are important for contributing to a positive experience. Meeting Time Following Sunday Mass, 11:15 am - 12:30 pm Each child must register for the program. Download the registration form, fill it out and return it to the parish. |
Registration Form |
Formulario de registración |