September 17, 2017
Leif Kehrwald Listen here, or read the text below. If somebody offends me once, it’s relatively easy to let it go. If they do it again, I become wary and scowly. If they do it a third time . . . well, that’s it. I’ve had enough. In the words of Jack Shea, “Most people stop forgiving and start getting even at two.” So, you’ve got to give Peter some credit when he asks Jesus how often he must forgive. “As many as seven times?” Yet, his posture—and mine—is still that of getting even. Jesus, at what point do I get to fight back?
by Sr Phyllis Jaszkowiak
September 10, 2017 Listen here, or read the text below. Our readings today invite us to be true neighbors to each other. Neighbors that love each other, help each other become better people, reconcile with each other after a disagreement, forgive each other when one hurts the other, continually show the love of God to each other. Neighbor here means those close to us – family, friends, people living next door. It also means society and that we must try to change it for the better when it sins. |
October 2023
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