What does the Pastoral Council do? The Pastoral Council studies and reflects on the life and mission of the Church. We also study and reflect on the circumstances of the members of our parish, our neighborhood, and our community. Through prayer and discernment we try to determine how communion and mission can be lived more fully at this particular time in this particular parish. Special attention is paid to the poor and marginalized. Pastoral planning flows as a result of this process.
What we look for in Pastoral Council members:
Interested? Contact Leif Kehrwald.
What we look for in Pastoral Council members:
- Competency in planning, information gathering and presentation, organizational development, group process, hospitality and outreach, and human relations.
- Skills geared to the particular priorities of the parish
- Ability to collaborate effectively with others, study matters deeply, reflect on them thoroughly, and draw sound conclusions.
- One who nourishes a deep prayer life and exhibits and active faith life;
- One who values consensus, is open to new ideas, and can set aside personal agendas to listen.
- Overall council make-up: A good mix of the members for a range of personal and professional capabilities, different perspectives and disciplines, and reflective of the membership of the parish.
Interested? Contact Leif Kehrwald.