Sr. Phyllis Jaszkowiak
October 21, 2018 The Gospel, today has three important lessons for us. The first is that if we really follow Jesus we will drink the cup he drinks and be baptized with his baptism. The second is that we are to be humble, be the servant of all, in how we follow Jesus, especially if we are in a position of leadership. The third is that Jesus chose human beings with strengths and weaknesses to follow him. It is the same today. We sometimes forget, that as an institution, the Church always needs to be reformed. When the Church forgets that Jesus is the leader, then we, like James and John, work to be the ‘first of all’.
Leif Kehrwald
October 7, 2018 The creation story in the Bible tells us that God made us, humans, in God’s image. Male and female God created us. And in our passage from Genesis today, we hear the story of the creation of woman as a suitable partner for man,. And it concludes with the phrase, “the two shall become one flesh.” Think for a moment and put the two key points together: The two shall become one flesh . . . made in God’s image. |
October 2023
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