Growth / Learning Plan
Just as Jesus spent 40 days in the desert to prepare for his public ministry, each year we spend 40 days in prayer, fasting, and giving to prepare our hearts to celebrate the holiest days of the year: Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday, and Easter Sunday.
We have curated excellent faith-building resources around the essential themes Lent. Choose a theme from the chart that appeals to you today. Click through on the link to access the free resource, and follow the simple “Assignment” steps. You’ll be amazed at how much you learn and grow!
After each component, be sure to click Claim Your Badge, fill out the form and within 24 hours you will receive a digital badge acknowledging your achievement, and $10 will be donated to St. Charles Faith Formation.
We have curated excellent faith-building resources around the essential themes Lent. Choose a theme from the chart that appeals to you today. Click through on the link to access the free resource, and follow the simple “Assignment” steps. You’ll be amazed at how much you learn and grow!
After each component, be sure to click Claim Your Badge, fill out the form and within 24 hours you will receive a digital badge acknowledging your achievement, and $10 will be donated to St. Charles Faith Formation.
Option 1. Way of the Cross
Virtual Stations of the Cross 14 short videos (2-3 min each) to help you pray and reflect on the 14 traditional stations of the mystery of Jesus' death and what it still means to us today. 1. Click on the link above to go to the site. 2. Pray the stations by watching each video. 3. Watch all the videos at once, or watch one or more each day of Lent. 4. Reflect/Journal: In what specific way does the Way of the Cross relate to your life today? 5. Claim your Badge |
Option 2. Forty Days of Lent Reflection
Finding God in the Chaos Throughout the Lenten season, writers from the Ignatian Solidarity Network will help us find God in the chaos. Join us each day as we dive into the story of hope, of justice, of God’s presence in a chaotic, broken world. 1. Click on the link above. 2. Sign up for the program. It’s FREE! 3. Read/Reflect on the daily email that comes to your inbox. 4. Listen to the series as a podcast, if you wish. 5. Claim your Badge |
Option 3. Pray => Fast => Advocate
Lenten Migration Advocacy Challenge . . . for humane migration policies. Opportunities to accompany migrants in prayer, fasting, and action. 1. Click on the link above. 2. Sign up for the program. It’s FREE! 3. Follow the suggestions that come to your email inbox throughout Lent. 4. Claim your Badge |
Option 4. Laudato Si Lenten Calendar
Laudato Si Lenten Calendar We invite you to take a step in your journey of ecological conversion. Reflect and act on issues related to our social and ecological sins each week. 1. Click on the link above. 2. Download and print the Lenten Calendar 3. Follow the daily suggestions throughout Lent 4. Claim your Badge. |
Lent Links
other Lenten pages on our website