August 23, 2020
Leif Kehrwald There’s a great quip attributed to Eleanor Roosevelt that goes something like this: You wouldn’t worry so much about what other people think of you . . . if you know how little they did. When I become over concerned about the impression I leave, I take comfort in these words. They, you, care a lot less than I sometimes imagine. It doesn’t excuse rudeness or cavalier behavior, it just means I need to have a healthy, balanced self-awareness in order to just be me, and in order to relate well to you, and the world around me.
August 16, 202
Sr. Phyllis Jaszkowiak Today’s gospel tells of a mother who wouldn’t take no for an answer. Her daughter was ill and she wanted a cure from the one who cured. When Jesus ignored her, she called out louder. Jesus’ response was less than inviting as he said, “I was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.” This time she simply said, “Lord, help me,” as she did him homage. August 9, 2020
Fr. Elwin Schwab (available by video only) |
October 2023
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