This year's Christmas Eve Family Mass was truly beautiful. Thanks to all the children and families who participated. And much thanks to Vicki Valarde, Mary Evans, Gloria Luna, and Mary Evans for coordinating things this year. Enjoy the pictures below.
Finally, the actual solar panels are being installed. Looks impressive from the rooftop. The work of the contractors is nearly finished. We’re waiting on inspections from Pacific Power and from the City. Soon, the system will be turned on, and we will start saving money! In collaboration with the Multicultural Committee, the Latino community of St. Charles put on a wonderful celebration of the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe on Sunday, December 9. Many, many people were involved in the planning, decorating, singing, dancing, and feeding for the event. Can't possibly list all the names here, but Melecia Torres deserves special mention for all her work, not the least of which was selling tamales to raise money to bring in the Mariachis. They were outstanding! Enjoy the pictures and videos below. The word “advent” (the arrival of an important person or thing) is derived from the Latin word “adventus,” which means “coming.” For Catholics, Advent is the four-week season leading up to Christmas. During Advent we anticipate the coming of Jesus. It’s a time full of reflection, excitement, and hope. As we prepare our hearts to celebrate Jesus birthday on Christmas, please read a prayer with your child each night and grow in Faith and Hope during Advent. Also do a Random Act of Kindness everyday and help your child bring Hope and Joy to those in our Community. I have added a list of ideas below. #AdventChallege Mientras preparamos nuestros corazones para celebrar el cumpleaños de Jesús en Navidad, lea una oración con su hijo/a cada noche y crezca en Fe y Esperanza durante el Adviento. También haga un acto de amabilidad al azar todos los días y ayude a su hijo a llevar Esperanza y Alegría a los miembros de nuestra comunidad. #AdventChallenge
December 2024