Children – Youth – Social Justice
As a parish seeking to live the vision of Vatican II in the 21st century, we must recognize and respond to our call to fulfill our canonical responsibilities of sacramental preparation for Baptism, Reconciliation, Eucharist, and Confirmation; our pastoral responsibilities of faith formation for children and youth; and our social responsibilities to work for justice and continue our engagement in works of mercy in the neighborhood. We are at a crossroads with respect to our ministries for children, youth, and social justice. It’s time to set a new course for these important pastoral ministries. The first step is to listen. Let’s engage in conversation with those who participate in these ministries, care about them, and volunteer to help in them. Please join us after Sunday Mass, 11:15 – 12:45 in the Parish Center Youth Ministry – July 28 Including discussion of: - implementing sacramental preparation for Confirmation - implementing effective faith formation for middle school and high school youth - how to select and use appropriate materials and methods for faith growth and learning - how to recruit, train, and sustain needed leaders and volunteers - how to integrate youth into the life of the parish Brief summary of the session. Attended by nine people. The conversation was spirited and fruitful. We care about our youth! These statements provide a short summary of the listening session:
Children’s Faith Formation – August 4 Including discussion of: - implementing sacramental preparation for First Eucharist and First Reconciliation - implementing Liturgy of the Word for children during Sunday Mass - implementing effective faith formation for children post First Communion - how to select and use appropriate materials and methods for faith growth and learning - how to recruit, train, and sustain needed leaders and volunteers - how to integrate children into the life of the parish - other Brief summary of the session. Attended by nine people. The conversation was animated, filled with lots of ideas, and lots of care and concern for our children. It was a bilingual discussion – English and Spanish. These statements provide a short summary:
Social Justice Ministry – August 11 Including discussion of: - how to maintain our associations with key agencies, e.g. Living Cully, MACG, CCHD, other - how to fulfill our commitments with respect to housing advocacy and immigrant justice - how to effectively steward dedicated funds (CCHD grant, immigrant justice fund) - how to recruit, train, and sustain needed Justice Committee members Brief summary of the session. Attended by nine people. The conversation was animated, filled with lots of ideas, and lots of care and concern for our future efforts in social justice. These statements provide a short summary:
Questions? More info? Contact Leif Kehrwald at 503-351-9889, [email protected]. Stop – Look – Listen
February 2025