On February 24, at least a dozen people from St. Charles Church joined with hundreds of others to march in solidarity with renters to stand up for their rights and needs for affordable, safe, and secure housing. See the photos below.
In November I reported that for the first time in recent memory the parish was operating in the black. In spite of the wintry weather in January, the difficulty many people had in getting to church, we remain in reasonably good fiscal shape. See the financial summary below showing that we are nearly $18,000 in the black.
But before you get too excited, just know that our severe winter weather has exposed many vulnerabilities in our plant, from multiple roof leaks to boiler trouble to church furnace repair. Our bills for these repairs are coming due now. So, in reality, we are about $10,000 to the good. Still, not bad, eh! I am grateful to the staff for their fiscal responsibility, and I am truly grateful to YOU for your TREMENDOUS GENEROSITY. Just as Jesus spent 40 days in the desert to prepare for his public ministry, each year we spend 40 days in prayer, fasting, and giving to prepare our hearts to celebrate the holiest days of the year: Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday, and Easter Sunday. This Lent just think . . . Sundays | Wednesdays | and Fridays
12 noon Stations of the Cross Each Friday beginning March 3, concluding April 14 St. Charles Catholic Church | 5310 NE 42nd Ave | 503-281-6461 |
February 2025