More than a hundred people participated in our first GIFT Sunday. The topic was Generational Solidarity. The goals were to build and enhance relationships across generations, grow in our understanding of each other's generation, and to appreciate how each of us grows in faith and engages in religious practice. See pictures, program info, and results below.
Here's what we did!
Media Messages
Each generational group created a media message in response to one of these starters:
"God is . . ." or "Faith is crucial today because . . ." or "Pray for . . ." Some of the messages created are:
Facebook: Can you put a [heart image] in your wall with a comment, just a [heart image], then send to your contacts.
Billboard: GOD IS LOVE . . . LIVE WITH IT!
T-shirt: Pray! For clarity, sanity, TRUTH!
T-shirt: (front) Looking for God . . . (back) . . . in ALL Places!
Instagram: Pray for Las Vegas & for all that have been affected by hurricanes (emojis).
Bumper sticker: (image of hands around the world) Pray for a United Planet
Each generational group created a media message in response to one of these starters:
"God is . . ." or "Faith is crucial today because . . ." or "Pray for . . ." Some of the messages created are:
Facebook: Can you put a [heart image] in your wall with a comment, just a [heart image], then send to your contacts.
Billboard: GOD IS LOVE . . . LIVE WITH IT!
T-shirt: Pray! For clarity, sanity, TRUTH!
T-shirt: (front) Looking for God . . . (back) . . . in ALL Places!
Instagram: Pray for Las Vegas & for all that have been affected by hurricanes (emojis).
Bumper sticker: (image of hands around the world) Pray for a United Planet