'Mother’s day for me is a time to reflect on all the mother’s I have been blessed with and the ways in which their mothering, has shown me God. Here are just three of so many strong, compassionate, fierce, loving women who have embodied the Spirit of truth in my Life.
My mom, showed me the God of Luke 15:8-10. The scripture tells us God is a women who searches carefully for her lost coin. Leading me through homeless camps to share conversation and food, my mom never allowed any of us kids to think that anyone was beyond saving and more importantly than that, she taught us that each individual was worth the search. My wife! In so many ways I see God through Sylvia. The Passage that stands out is Hosea 13:8. God is like a mother “bear robbed of Her cubs, I will attack them and tear them asunder”. I have learned the Godly virtue of “fierce love” from my wife. Within the "special-needs" community this feminine virtue shines especially bright. I find myself continuously in aww of these mothers who seem to take on the world daily for their children. My God-mom Nick, showed me the God of Isaiah 49:15. God the nursing mother who never forgets Her Children. Nick never birthed any children and she never adopted any either but I would venture to say she has more children than anyone I know. She is our families Matriarch (and we have a LARGE family) and she, like God, never forgets any of us. To be around the loving presence of this women is to feel fed. For so many, nick models so beautifully or mother God who cares for each of Her children and feeds them all. On this Mother's Day, I offer a thank you to all the mother’s in the parish. Also, these scriptures with the hopes that you will reflect on the femininity and Motherhood of God with your sons and daughters. Genesis 1:27, Hosea 11:3-4, Hosea 13:8, Deuteronomy 32:11-12, Deuteronomy 32:18, Isaiah 66:13, Isaiah 49:15, Isaiah 42:14, Psalm 131:2, Psalm 123:2-3, Mathew 23:37 and Luke 13:34, Luke 15:8-10 Blessings and Solidarity Gabe |
Family Letter
AuthorGabe Triplett is the Pastoral Associate and Youth Coordinator at St. Charles Archives
January 2018
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